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Casper Dog Training

"Any behavior that is rewarded will be repeated"

Basic Dog Obedience - Begian Malinois

In person
Basic Obedience
$150 per Session

6 Week
Basic Obedience
$145 per Session
Total: $870 Awesome Value!!

Care and customization matter to us as much as it matters to you. Each dog is different. They all have a unique personality and have experienced the world in their own way. This is extremely important and makes us different from other training. There is no "cookie cutter" method (but we will give tons of cookies) and some dogs need a more patient, consistent and persistent approach to alleviate their behavior issues. However all dogs under our care are treated the same in one important way: All training is positive reinforcement, (food, praise and LOVE) reward based - NO PUNISHMENT EVER OR PUNISHMENT BASED DISCIPLINE!​
There are various basic skills your dog will need to master to become a good well a great companion:Here's what you and your dog will learn:

*At the beginning of all training sessions we will review you most important issues that need an immediate solution.

Week 1​
Name recognition {Mainly for puppies)
Recall (Come / Here)
Crate training
Potty training

Introduction to Impulse Control

Week 2
Leave it (Patience / impulse control)
Watch (Eye contact / focus)

Week 3
Drop it / Out

Week 4
Recall (Come when called)
Go to place

Week 5
Introduction to Heel...And any Important Issues that need to be addressed ASAP

And maybe more (If we have time)!!
Keep in mind there is NO guarantees, it all depends on time and the dog owners commitment to doing the training homework each day!

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